










The characteristic curve is the graph which represented relation of light quantity irradiated to film / photographic paper and density after the developing.
By this graph, the quantity of lights irradiated by film and photographic paper calls log H (a logarithm of quantity of exposure H) and the density calls D. Quantity of exposure H shows a unit with lux.s and calculates the illumination value multiplied by exposure time of light (second). Generally, this value measures it with a photometer or an exposure meter.

  • If log H is small, there are a few quantities of light (closed exposure), and if log H is big, there are many quantities of light (opened exposure).
  • One step of difference of exposure is equivalent to 0.3 with log H.

Density D is a logarithm of reciprocal number of transmission factor (in case of film) or reflection rate (in case of photographic paper). Please only remember the density is D, because it is to measure with the density indicator.
An image becomes black that a value of this D becomes big, and an image becomes white that I become small.


What do I understand from a characteristic curve?

From a characteristic curve, we can read 1.sensitivities, 2.contrasts and 3.tones.

In case of film


The standard sensitivity such as ISO, ASA and JIS demands from quantity of exposure, Log10 H M of point M of base density + fog density +0.10 using decided developer and fixer for the sensitivity measurement, and the developing time that delta D become 0.80 balance 0.05, of characteristic curve. Therefore when I use general developer, and delta D is different, ISO sensitivity is not demanded, but can read effectiveness sensitivity by the processing as an exposure index (EI) from a quantity of exposure of point M.

  • Point M: A point on a characteristic curve to have the density of minimum density (base + fog) +0.10
  • Point N: A point on the characteristic curve that logH has a quantity of exposure many 1.30 from point M




A degree of leaning of characteristic curve means contrast (a density difference of film for constant exposure area). The case that a lurch is sudden (a line is built), contrast are high, and the case that a degree of leaning is gentle (a line lies down), contrast become low.
As an aim to indicate the contrast by numerical value, there is gamma, average tone ratio (G), a contrast index (CI), but I explain the CI which Kodak adopts here, it is near to a real processing condition.

  • Point A is an arc of radius Log0.2 and a point of intersection of characteristic curve around one point of O on the horizon of base + fog density.
  • Point B is an arc of radius Log2.2 and a point of intersection of characteristic curve around O.
  • A degree of leaning when there are O, A, B on the straight line top is CI.




 特性曲線は、その名の通り、直線だけでなく曲線の部分が必ずあります。 線が、横線から斜めに変わる部分がそれです。この部分を「立ち上がり」部と呼びます。また、線がある程度斜め上に上昇すると、また線が横に寝たようになることがあります。その部分を「肩」部と呼びますが、この、線が斜めから予期になる部分でも曲線が存在します。




 印画紙の感度や、コントラストを示す数字はないんじゃないか、と思われる方もいらっしゃるかも知れませんが、これらはきちんと印画紙の箱にかかれています。ISO SPEEDやISO RANGEがそれです。そしてこれらも特性曲線から求めることができます。


 印画紙の感度は、フィルムのように濃度範囲が規定されているわけではありません。最小濃度(ベース+カブリ濃度)+0.6の濃度を持つ特性曲線上の点をmとしたときの、点mの露光量log HmがISOスピード基準点となります。
ISO Speed数値表はこちらをご覧ください。




  • A点:最小濃度(ベース+カブリ濃度)+0.04の濃度を持つ特性曲線上の点。
  • B点:(最大濃度-最小濃度)×0.9の濃度を持つ特性曲線上の点。
  • 対数露光域(LER):A点とB点の、露光量の差

ISO Range数値表はこちらをご覧ください。





